Projects & Products

Let our certified engineers help with your organization with the right PROJECTS and best-in-class PRODUCTS!

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Systems Engineering Projects

Let our certified and experienced team of engineers evolve your current computer network! 

  • Server retirement
  • Cloud migrations
  • Email cleanup
  • Security audit and modernization
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Phone, PA, and Bells Systems

Let our engineers help design and engineer the right mix of phone, public announcement (PA), and scheduled bells for your organization!

  • Cloud-hosted or onsite VoIP Phone Systems
  • Standalone or integrated PA systems
  • Scheduled analog or digital bell systems
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Network Installation

  • Full new and renovated network installations
  • Network qualification
  • Patch paneling & labeling
  • Closet cleanup
  • Install network equipment
  • Wireless audit and tuning
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Professional Development

Let us help develop your staff's skills!

We are qualified and excited to help educate your staff on a variety of technology solutions.

  • Security Awareness Training
  • Google, Microsoft, and Cloud Training
  • AI and technology trend training
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Custom Solutions to meet your Goals

Have a unique problem or objective? Trying to figure out how to meet your goals in a cost-effective, innovative, and secure way?

Let us help meet your unique goals!

Reach out to start a conversation today.

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Hollis Fudge

Lead Engineer

We want to help.

We know tech. But just as importantly, we know that individuals don't solve problems: teams solve problems.

Let our industry-certified engineers join your team. Together, we can reach your goals!

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Jonathan Reed

Director of Operations

"Great team and great work ethic!  They understand our organization's technology needs, and they are helpful and eager to make us technologically capable."